Job Lead Sorter © 2006 by Karl Garlick

    Follow the Steps Listed below
  1. Who are the Leads For?  
  2. What City would you like to work in?
  3. What State is the City in?
  4. How many miles from your location would you like to have in the results?
  5. To open Page 1 of the Internet Search Engine Results
    When your Search Results show up Press CTRL & A to select the whole page
  6. Press CTRL & C to Copy the whole page
  7. Paste it into the Text Area below where it says Paste Ads Here
  8. Click the View More button at the bottom of the Search Results Page.
  9. Continue doing this until you have pasted all the leads. There could be several pages.
  10. Type a Regular Expression for the Job Leads you want to look at. They Will be highlighted yellow:
    NOTE: Special Characters need a backslash before them to find them. Special characters are:
    + \ ? ( ) [ ] / . | { } * ^ $
    NOTE: a \b will find a Word Boundary. This is helpful for finding whole words.
    Example: \bRN\b matches rn, Rn, RN, rN if they are as a whole word. It will not match the rn in "concern".
    computer|Microsoft|receptionist|will train
  11. Type a Regular Expression for the Job Leads you Do Not want to look at. Don't forget to include fax numbers, phone numbers and e-mail addresses you previously had sent resumes to. They will have Green Text. Example:
    Part time|painter|plumber|New York|123-456-7890|987-654-3210|SentHere@joblead\.com
  12. Type a Regular Expression for Common Terms you would like highlighted orange.
  13. Type a Regular Expression for Towns and Cities you would like highlighted lavendar.

    If you would like to save a txt file that will input your Accept, Reject and Common Lists without you having to retype them; when you finish typing them Click the button below.

    Then copy the text from the TextArea and paste it into Windows WordPad and save it as a TEXT file with the name and extension
    "C:\Karls Files\Karl\JavaScript\JobLeadSorter.js"
    If you do not have this path on your computer you will need to create it.
    You will need to overwrite this file anytime you change the 4 Text Boxes above.

  • Accepted Search Criteria
  • Rejected Search Criteria
    Rejected Search Criteria in Unqualified Leads
  • All Good Email Addresses and Good Fax Numbers
  • All Good Phone Numbers
  • Duplicated Email Addresses, Call Numbers and Fax Numbers in the Accepted List
  • Towns and Cities
  • General Information
A Note to Dennis, Kim and Dan.
To help make the results more effecient please e-mail me a list of all the fax numbers or e-mail addresses you send a resume to.
Also, a list of keyword of reasons to Accept a job lead that isn't on the Accept List and a list of reasons to reject a Lead that should be rejected.

Failure to do this will result in duplicate leads and unnecessary reading.

NOTE: For your convenience, there are three textarea boxes below, each containing a list of the e-mail addresses, Fax numbers and Phone Numbers that have not been duplicated. These are only the ones in the "Accepted with no Rejections" areas that are in aqua background.

E-mail Leads - Accepted with No Rejections
Fax Leads - Accepted with No Rejections
Call Leads - Accepted with No Rejections

Unqualified Leads
Leads get here because this program is not set up to handle the way they are layed out. There may be a good lead for you here.

Leads neither Accepted nor Rejected

Leads both Accepted and Rejected

Sent Leads
This matches the Fax Number or e-mail address in your reject list. Your Resume was in the send list, though this may be a different ad.

Leads UnAccepted and Rejected

I will need to a list of the e-mail addresses
and Fax number that you send your resume to.
E-Mail These

Fax These


Paste Ads Here

Save All Leads in HTML Code?